Friday 8 May 2009

Your Career in One Sentence

You may have joined in the fun over at JJL last week but if you didn't here are a few examples of real careers, expressed in one sentence.

“I started out in recruitment, moved into people assessment & coaching; now I’m settled as a career coach, with the intention of remaining so until retirement!”

“My career began in industrial packaging, and after a quarter century took a 90 degree turn in the direction I love, enabling me to help people put words together in ways that make their companies flourish.”

"My career is all about using language to enhance life: teaching French to highschoolers, speech and language to the deaf, freelance writing, writing books on dreams, conflict resolution, addiction, and now coaching and writing about boredom-versus-interest as a key to satisfaction."

"My career emerged as a software tools developer and trainer and fully blossomed into showing anyone and everyone how to learn what they crave to know via the Internet."

"I started out wanting to do something in music, then proceeded to doing sports journalism, and ended with freelance writing and web copywriting, which aren't half bad."

If you are wondering why we did this or what the point was, check out the post that explains it all here.

If you want to join the fun (and feel the benefit too!) comment your one sentence career below.

[The sun sets on another week. Cue a random photograph from my distinctly average Flickr Photostream]

Have a great weekend wherever you are!

All the best,


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