After some of the recent Q&As on this blog I thought an FAQ might be a good idea. So here goes...
What's this blog all about?
Why focus on career decision making?
It's rarely a simple choice like sweet or savoury, strawberry or banana when it comes to our careers. We all face key moments in our working lives and we're under pressure to get our decisions right. There are so many influencing factors, so much opinion and advice to make sense of. Why not explore career decision making in a blog?
Did anyone else hear a tree falling?
What are the toughest times for career decision making?
I could say it's always tough but that's an easy answer and you'd never forgive me for it! It's tough when you're on a job search. Knowing what to do for the best has unique challenges when you're facing redundancy or if you have already been laid-off. It's tough when we face any kind of career change at any time in our working lives. Times can get tough but it's still possible to make good career choices.
What separates good and bad career choices?
Career and job satisfaction is the measure that lasts longest. I wouldn't argue if you said success, promotion, financial stability, or anything else you feel passionately about. But I would argue that your personal feelings of satisfaction and fulfilment can outlast anything else you could aim your career at.
Can anyone make better career choices?
Yes! Choices that can lead to career satisfaction have a lot to do with the way you experience change, opportunity and even the odd failure and setback. Positivity is important as it helps us overcome obstacles. Looking inwardly as well as outwardly helps us find a deeper resolve. This in turn gives us more trust and assurance in our own ability to lead our careers forward.
What's the best place to start if I wanted to make better career decisions and aim for job and career satisfaction?
The best place to start is wherever you are right now. Begin by exploring questions like What's important to me?, What am I good at? and What do I want for the future?. This is the best way to start defining career success more personally to you.
Is there a secret to career satisfaction?
Sadly no. There aren't any quick-fixes, short-cuts or easy-answers but you can find out more about career satisfaction and what it means to you, if you are prepared to look for it too. Take a look at some of these career stories if you'd like to read more!
Add your questions, answers, opinions and anything else in response to the above.
Best Regards for now,
I think regarding career satisfaction, it's just doing what makes you truly happy. If you're happy with your job, you'll be satisfied and couldn't ask for more.
ReplyDelete-John@Job Descriptions
Hi John, I completely agree with you! If you do what makes you happy, job satisfaction does follow. But happiness at work is not only difficult to find, each individual can define it their own way. For example, what makes me happy might not do the same for you, and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteThat's why work/life fusion treats career satisfaction as a search or an exploration within each individual career. If you can find out more about what gives you those good feelings, you can make sure they play a bigger part in your work as time moves on.
Thanks for your comment here John. I hope you get bitten by the bug like I did and come back for more on this subject!
All the best for now,
Hi - I am enjoying your site! I also have a blog, website and product for work/life balance and work stress relief. It's part of a new company called Happy Hour Effect LLC started by me, a young widow mother, after 13 years in corporate America dealing with my own work/life stress. I developed a health supplement specifically to help ease work stress and I post motivational stories and advice on the company's online sites. Check out the website, blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. Let me know if you want to link back to each other!
ReplyDeleteThanks and good luck! Kristen Brown
Hi Kirsten, Thanks for your comment. Always a pleasure to welcome someone new to the conversation.
ReplyDeleteThanks for telling us all about your new company. I'll be sure to check out your site!
All the best for now, Paul
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