Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Can you think of a virtuous circle?

Something that goes around, comes around and is good?

A virtuous circle is opposite and entirely preferable to a vicious circle.

Here’s one example: When we make better career decisions, our experience of work improves. When our experience of work improves, we have more positive influences for our career decisions.

OK, it sounds a bit simplistic but there is evidence to support each step.

For instance, a better understanding in key areas like your VTGs (Values: What’s important to you, Talents: What you’re good at, Goals: What keeps you going) can help you make better career decisions.

And better career decisions are a great way for a virtuous circle to start.

It looks even prettier when you take a take a step back

[Photo courtesy of Swamibu on Flickr]

Big decisions about work and careers can make you feel dizzy.

Your VTGs can slow the whirling carousel and give you more confidence when you have a choice to make.

You start the virtuous circle when you’re ready and on your terms.

Think of a career cycle you’d like to break or any circle you'd like to be less vicious and more virtuous.

There’s plenty of evidence to show it can be done.

All the best for now,



  1. Fantastic post, Paul, so thanks. I think that the key to converting a vicious circle into a virtuous one is attitude. Your thoughts helped to shed even more light on this great concept!

  2. Thanks Chris,

    I think you're right, a lot of this is down to our own attitude but we can also explore to learn what's good or bad in a cycle. What we discover also has the potential make career decision-making a much more pleasant circle to go around in.

    All the best,

